Posted at 08:07h
NEXT: chapter 7 (Kill Bill)
Lots of folks were working hard to make GeoCoinfest Europe 2019 a success, and it looked like due to their efforts I was going to get to perform at the event and at a pub afterwards. But I still had to...
Posted at 06:26h
NEXT: chapter 6 (Suddenly Fiona)
So, it was a few months before the upcoming Travel Bugs concert at GeoCoinfest Europe 2019 in Manchester. A great group of musicians from Belgium were lined up to stand in for the fictional band, and we had designed a plan...
Posted at 11:17h
NEXT: chapter 5 (Which Ian are you talking about?)
So, where were we? Oh
yeah, the first ever Travel Bugs concert at the GeoCoinfest Europe event in
Manchester UK looked like it might actually be a reality due to the tenacity of
Jon-Paul and the willingness of a band...
Posted at 08:04h
NEXT: Chapter 4 (A Long-distance relationship)
To bring you up to date, I had been coaxed, coddled and convinced into believing the unbelievable, that I was going to get the chance to perform in the UK. My contact Jon-Paul was moving ahead at full steam...
Posted at 06:41h
NEXT: Chapter 3: Meet the Belgians
As I mentioned in my last entry “CHAPTER 1: JUST FOR FUN”, I’d never had much luck booking performances for my geocaching music project The Travel Bugs, primarily due to the lack of budget. So when some guy named Jon-Paul...
Posted at 08:37h
CHAPTER 1: The Saga Begins
NEXT: Chapter 2 (A Madman's Dream)
In September of this year, I achieved a big goal of mine. I was lucky enough to perform in the UK and
It was an important accomplishment for me, for several
reasons. It was my first time performing