03 Jul Photo a Day Challenge #7-12
Here are the next 6 photos from my daily photo challenge in June. Nothing too fancy here..
Photo#7 (Conduit)
Some mornings I spend a little time at a coffee shop before work. I enjoy an Americano, a bite to eat and some quiet time to work on creative ideas or just plan. It’s a great way to start the day more calmly. I thought the color of this electrical conduit against the brick wall by my table was worth a snap.
Photo #8 (Sunlight)
Honestly this one just didn’t come out the way I thought it would. I saw this on the groud on a bike ride. Something about the tree shadow and sunlight super-imposed on the chalk tree and sun seemed really cool at the moment, but I just didn’t capture it. Oh well.
Photo #9 (Eddy)
Our cat was doing some crazy stretching, so I snapped a few shots of him. This one isn’t artistically great, but it’s a keeper in terms of family photos.
Photo #10 (Plugged)
OK, so this is back at the same coffee shop as Photo #7. In fact, looking at all the photos, it’s telling how many are on a bike ride, in a brew pub or in a coffee shop. I guess June wasn’t such a bad month after all. I just found this wooden plug in the wall a bit odd. Yes, I pulled it out …you wouldn’t believe was came pouring out of the wall!
Photo #11 (Blurry)
A horrible quality photo, but it does capture our evening at a local craft bar and kitchen taking in some live music.
Photo #12 (Freeze)
A tremendous rain storm came through and there was massive amounts of water spilling from our gutters. I took a picture and was really surprised at how well my iPhone captured the drops in mid-air. Pretty cool.
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