The Woodshop Sessions (Spin Her Around)
For the second episode in the woodshop, I've decided to play a song a wrote a while back but have never performed. ...
For the second episode in the woodshop, I've decided to play a song a wrote a while back but have never performed. ...
Covid really threw a monkey wrench into my summer performance schedule as it did for most musicians. I've really been missing getting...
If you have been following along with my account of how I got the chance to perform in England and Iceland, thanks for...
Next: epilogue As the flight from London was making its final approach into Keflavík, Iceland, I had a lot on my mind. I was still riding...
NEXT: chapter 15 (off to the land of the ice and snow) So, it’s September 7, 2019, and I have just performed for the first...
NEXT: chapter 14 (The after after after after party) If you’re following along, you now know how I managed to get to Manchester, England...
Next: chapter 13 (I love it when a plan comes together) While we had been learning Steve’s songs and running down all our “old”...
Next: chapter 12 (bugsy travels indeed) Hans is back with the second chapter of his perspective on the GeoCoinfest 2019 event in Manchester, which...
NEXT: chapter 11 (Your mission should you choose to accept it) If you've been following along with this blog about my experience getting to...